Hand-eye coordination & fine motor skils
Hand-eye coordination is the ability of the vision system to coordinate the information received through the eyes to control, guide, and direct the hands in the accomplishment of a given task. These activities range from something as simple as throwing a ball to driving a car.
Between four and 14 months, infants explore their world and develop hand-eye coordination, together with fine motor skills. Fine motor skills are involved in the control of small muscle movements, such as when an infant starts to use fingers with a purpose and in coordination with the eyes. Fine motor skills are using small muscle movements in coordination with visual experience such as the grabbing of mom's hand, spinning of mobile units etc.
Between three and five years of age, little children continue to develop the skills in the form of left/right handedness, concepts of place, direction, up, down and under, start running, climbing, balancing, jumping, pushing and pulling and also develop depth perception.
Children between five and seven develop or continue to develop fine motor skills such as writing, using scissors and glue, improve on movement abilities through sports and playing and learn to focus vision on school work for a couple of hours per day.
Our Selection of Fine Motor Skills puzzles: